Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Satu Malam di Tinabo


Tempat yang awalnya gak pernah terlintas untuk gue datangain dalam waktu dekat, bahkan sebenarnya gak ada di list gue untuk Indonesia.

It's just our ego that finally made us really want to come to this place.

Kesalahan awal kami adalah ketika membeli tiket pulang tanpa memperhatikan hari yang membuat kami cuma punya 4 hari efektif untuk ke Takabonerate.

Before the day came I asked my friend, "I only have 4 effective days to go to Takabonerate, can or cannot?"
Yes, you can but you will just get tired because you're gonna spend more time on the way instead of in Takabonerate, he said.

Well again, it's our ego! Despite the fact that we're gonna spend more time on the way, we still chose to go there. So here we go Takabonerate...

Buat gue setiap perjalanan pasti punya cerita sendiri. Walaupun terkesan memaksa, gue gak akan lupa satu malam di Tinabo.