Sunday, September 28, 2014

Failed Flying Lantern

Yogyakarta., Magelang - May 2014

The second Arisan movie! yes it was the movie that encourage many people to come to Borobudur to see flying lanterns on the Vesak day. Me also becoming one of those people. Provoking by a friend I finally booked a train ticket to Yogyakarta. 

Taking Senja Utama Yogya from Pasar Senen Station on May 24, 2013, We arrived at 5 o'clock in the morning at Yogyakarta Station. It was May 25, 2013, The Vesak day, this is the feast day for Buddhist. Well, May 25, 2013 was being unforgettable moment for tourism, Here's come the story.....

We took a bus from terminal ... to terminal ... (shamed on me that couldn't easily remember a name -.-). Taking bus to Magelang from Yogyakarta took us around 2 hours, from Magelang bus terminal we continued taking another bus to Borobudur and go straight to our guesthouse. 

While waiting another friends to come we decided to sleep! hahahaha... 2 hours sleeping was a good thing to start a long day... 

It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon and we had our lunch. The restaurant was really close to the gate of Borobudur, so we walked while waiting for procession. It was really crowded! totally crowded with the domestic tourists as well as foreigners, standing applause for Arisan movie who had successfully brought many tourists to Borobodur on the Vesak day! *sad smile*

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A glimpse of distraction

It's just a glimpse of distraction and it's just happened.

It was somewhere in June, 2013 when he and I first met. We are just friend. We are not even close to each other, bahkan perkenalan kita absurb. Remember my story when I said "gak pernah terpikir saat itu akhirnya gue berani ngomong cuma dengan pancingan yang bikin senyum, pun gue gak pernah berniat cerita lagi ke siapa pun". Pertama kali janjian pergi karena gue minta bantuan untuk urusan temen gue. Entah gimana ceritanya dia memberanikan dirinya untuk gue bisa curhat sama dia, dia bilang "gue tuh jadinya lebih deket sama elo kali, Ri daripada si X". 

Well, ya saat itu memang yang akhirnya gue ceritain hanya garis besarnya aja. Then come another day ketika gue nemenin dia nulis untuk buku barunya. Without much talking, I just sat in front him watching he's writing. Dan tiba-tiba dia "curhat" (sebenarnya nih anak ngarepnya gue yang curhat..Hahaha). Tapi entahlah saat itu gue gak mau bahas apapun lagi. It's like my gesture said "can we change the topic?". I guess he understood!

Tapi kekuatan gue untuk gak curhat cuma sebentar, semakin malem gue makin gak tahan untuk cerita (yaa, dipancing mulu sih yaa.. jadi bawaannya pengen meluruskan aja tuh cerita.. hahaha). Kala itu hari minggu di bulan Ramadhan yang akhirnya kita sepakat untuk sahur bareng sambil gue terus bercerita apa yang sebenarnya terjadi ketika itu. Anak ini cuma manggut dan bilang "gue baru tau kalo ceritanya segitunya", gue lanjutan dengan "apapun yang lo denger dari gue, gue gak minta elo mengerti bahkan memihak gue. Gue masih sanggup kok untuk membela diri karena gue tau gue gak salah (<--- anaknya gengsinya tinggi). It was midnight then I finally said "makasih yaa udah dengerin gue ceritaaa, asliek gue gak berhenti ngomong", hahaha... and he said "anything for you, Ri"