Sunday, January 27, 2013

2012 Highlight

Alhamdulillah tahun ini 3 bucket list gue tercapai.....Hongkong Macau, Umroh dan Solo Travel.
Resolusi satu tempat baru di Indonesia dan satu negara baru juga tercapai, lebih malah.. hehehe cuma bisa mengucap syukur.. nothing but Fabbiayyi 'ala irobbikuma tukadziban.

Here's my 2012 travel highlight 
  1. Januari, Baluran & Menjangan dengan bermodal early bird promo garuda. Rencana awal ke Kawah Ijen pun gagal karena saat itu masih ditutup. Semoga bisa segera ke Kawah Ijen.. Aamiin. Mendatangi dua Taman Nasional merupakan berkah tersendiri, Taman Nasional Baluran dan Taman Nasional Bali Barat. 
  2. Maret, Hongkong & Macau dengan bermodal promo AA. Alhamdulillah one of my bucket list before 30.. Disney Princess, Snow White particularly, I heart you. One day if I have another opportunity to go to Hongkong, I want to visit Hongkong Times Square and Victoria Park.
  3. April, Umroh (Madinah, Makkah, Jeddah) bermodal paket hemat dari XL-umroh. Another bucket list before 30,'s spiritual traveling, sempet berpikir kalo harus meninggal disana sangat ikhlas dan bisa dimakamkan di Baqi :). Semoga next time bisa Umroh + Jordan ... Aamiin... 
  4. Mei, Dieng. Kali ketiga ke Dieng gak pernah bosen dan berencana untuk kesana lagi demi Golden Sunrise di gardu.
  5. Agustus, Siem Reap Kamboja lagi-lagi dengan bermodal promo AA. Eh gak murah banget sih ketika menjelang pergi baru inget gw belum beli tiket KL-JKT.. dan pilihan pun jatuh pada MH...hahaha. Tapi kebayar kok sama pengalaman pergi sendirian. My first solo travel! 
  6. Oktober, Tanjung Lesung. Rencana ke sekian.... Plan A : Pulau Peucang | Plan B : Pulau Kalapa, Pulau Bira, Pulau Sepa, dkk | Plan C : Pulau Pahawang | ................ | Plan Z : Tanjung Lesung.
  7. November, Klagian Lampung. "No need to go far away to contemplate. This place is enough!.
  8. Desember, Tanjung Puting Kalimantan Tengah. Sort of impulsif sih, but it's worth the pain!. First time Live on Board and got different experiences...Hehe.. "It's just an unpretentious new year eve and a simple wish. It's you. Happy New Year!"
At the end of the day, I realize that I went with the same person in January and December. We're friends since two years ago, whereas I've known this person since twelve years ago.
Hey you, thanks for being my travel friend to begin and to close year 2012!! Thanks for taking me to dangerously beautiful of Indonesia.

Year 2012 was more than enough and next year it seems like I wanna catch many places to visit..
Tapi ketika baca tulisan Claudia Kaunang dibuku Travelove, agak tertohok dengan tulisan ini, puisi yang diambil dari sebuah buku yang dia pun lupa judulnya...

You had better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

When you're running so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift just thrown away

Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over

I need to slow down!
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar allemal!

-Dari list diatas, banyak perjalanan yang belum diceritakan. I'll post it later!-

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