Friday, March 15, 2013

Kuis Siapa Berani

Semalem sehabis sholat mata gue tertuju ke kardus panci *penting*, kardus yang gue inget hadiah dari Kuis Siapa Berani. 

Jadi suatu waktu jaman masih kuliah dan berkecimpung di dunia per-organisasia-an, diminta lah Senat FEUI untuk ikut kuis ini, gue lupa sih mewakilkan Fakultas atau Universitas..kayaknya sih Fakultas yaa...

Jadilah 20 orang anak Senat diikutsertakan untuk mengikuti kuis ini.. Jangan lupa kami pun juga harus mempersiapkan yel-yel...dan gue udah pasti lupa yel-yel nya kayak mana.. *short-term memory loss*

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sebuah Perjalanan Hati

Out of nowhere I felt my last trip was a journey of some people hearts. After all I have been through, I want to write and share what's in my mind since then.

When we do a journey of heart, we just need to pack one stuff. A heart itself, prepare for whatever may come to it.

Speaking of heart, broken heart is the main reason for people to travel.
Sometimes a journey is  indeed the right time to give considerable space to our heart to get tranquility.
Yet what happen when we travel with our "heart"? Unless we can have an adult conversation to let our heart speak, it will just ruin those hearts. Not to mention it will jack up our"nieuwsgierige aap". *)